Physical activities is essential for a overall development. It helps lay the foundation for an active and healthy life.

Educord International Pvt. Ltd.


FitnessPanda is physical activity centre at resident society which provides you multiple activities facilities like Yoga, Karate, Skating at your society with numerous benefits:

FitnessPanda @

Challenge: According to World Health Organization ‘Up to 5 million deaths a year could be averted if the global population was more active’ ·

NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASE - Non Communicable Disease (NCD) is an aggressive epidemic in 21st century specially developing country is on high risk because of lack of awareness and facilities at community level.

· EARLY AGE MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH PROBLEMS - Today most children and youths suffering with numerous of mental health issues like aggressive behavior, lack of sleeping, stress and anxiety because reduce physical activities and consume more time with cell phone games and e-learning.

Who We Are -
FitnessPanda is an official project of the Educord International Pvt. Ltd. in association with the International Health and Fitness Association (IHFA) , FitnessPanda dedicated to serve physical activities and fitness training at Schools, Societies and Corporate for all age group.

Health Benefits of Physical Activity

  • Academic Performance. – Improves attention and memory.
    Brain Health. – Reduces Risk of depression.
    Muscular Fitness. – Builds strong muscles and endurance.
    Heart and Lung Health - Cardiometabolic Health
    Bone Strength - Healthy Weight




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